The Jimmy'z Brand store at Wellington Green mall is closing! Currently all items at the store are 40 percent off. Clearance items are an additional 40 percent off. The store is owned by Aeropostale and features trendy clothing for casual days and for dressing up. If you like surfing, clubbing, or South Beach, you'll like this store. Make sure to stock up on clothes before the store leaves the area.
Regulars at the store will be keeping an eye out since sales at the store should increase to 60 percent off. Make sure to grab a signature "Foil Wing Graphic Tee," like the ones seen below. These tees are the most popular item in the store, and a constant staple.
While the store didn't take off in Wellington. Fans can still buy Jimmy'z clothes and accessories on the online website. For directions to the mall visit The Mall at Wellington Green Web page.